Thursday, 18 September 2014


We are pleased to be able to offer our 'Silver Package' for a one off annual subscription outlined below:-


For a one off subscription of £350.00 + VAT we will provide the following information:-

ü Unlimited access to online credit reports on all limited companies in both the UK and Ireland
ü Unlimited access to individual directors reports on every director in both UK and Ireland
ü Access 200 to Companies House image documents
ü Unlimited access to sole traders and partnerships in UK
ü Unlimited access to online monitoring of any limited companies of your choice
ü Online overseas credit reports available in the following countries on a PAYG basis (£30 per report):- Belgium, Czech Rep, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.
ü  Access to offline credit reports in any country worldwide on a PAYG basis (Please see website for further details)
ü  Debt recovery letters and procedure on a ‘no collection no commission basis’ (If successful only 7% commission of what we recover is charged) 

If this package is of interest please feel free to contact me directly and quote MBOFFER and I can provide a no obligation demonstration of the system. 

Please contact me directly on either or call me on 01992 414222.   

Kind regards

Martin Brown
Senior Account Manager
01992 414222

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Most Important Things To Look For In Business Credit Report


When carrying out credit checks on potential and existing customers you will almost always be drawn to the credit limit of the company and feel assured that if the credit agency states a credit limit then that is all you need to look at, this is not always the case.

This blog looks at some of the other main factors that we suggest are looked at when carrying out credit reports and setting credit terms for customers.

The following points will give you a better view of a respective company as a whole and ensure that you are more aware of potential risk of failure:-

1). Age of Company: This will give an indication if a company has operated for a substantial amount of time, where the likelyhood of failure is statistically less than a newly incorporated company.

2). Filing Dates of Annual Accounts and Returns: Statistically companies who file financial information close to or beyond the year end date are more likely to file poor financial information.

3). Group Structure/Share Capital: If a company is privately owned or as part of a group can give and indication of the likelyhood of failure.

4). Derogatory Information: Within a credit report there will be a section for derogatory information and within this section it will show and CCJ's, Winding Up Petitions, Liquidations and Receiverships.

5). Director Database Information: Within our credit reports we offer a full director database check on the director of said company, this will enable you to look at this Director's other limited companies and show you the credit limit associated with these companies. 

6). Financial Information: Looking at a company's balance sheet and if available profit and loss account will give you a detailed picture of the subjects financial position at the time those accounts are filed at Companies House. Please keep in mind that limited company filing regulations state that a limited company has 9 months from year end date to file the next years accounts. Therefore financial information becomes historical.

Creditserve offers online credit reporting packages to suit all requirements and budgets so please feel free to visit or contact me directly on 01992 414222 or email for a free no obligation demonstration.